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3 Tips & Tricks to make the most of your university life

University life? What’s that? How is it like? 可以吃的吗? (Is it edible?)

Here are 3 Tips and Tricks to hack down your university life and make the most out of it!

#1 Clear your NUS email regularly and scan through them!

As much as it seems like your email inbox is constantly flooded with tons of emails that are irrelevant to you, just open them up and leave them as read. Only keep those important ones as "Unread", or you can pin them so that they stay at the top of your email inbox.

It is very important to clear them because you do not wish to pile the emails up and eventually realising you missed out some of the important emails hidden amongst the pile of unread emails.

What you can do is to set aside a time slot (preferably at the end of the day) to clear up your inbox and do this regularly. On some days, there might be a lot of emails, so just sit yourself down, turn on your upbeat music, and open up all the emails to glance through the contents.

#2 Join as many CCAs / Committees as you can or are interested in

Interested in being part of a committee or CCA (Co-curricular Activity) after seeing their advertisement on an email or telegram group chat? Just try, go ahead and sign up for it - after checking through your calendar and schedules that is.

Do research up a little on the CCA or the event (aka stalk their social media platforms) before you go for the interview. Treat the interview as a training opportunity for future job interviews, and express your passion for the project/CCA. Be genuine with your answers! Most of the genuine answers tend to stand out during the interviews as it shows how much one wishes to be a part of the committee/CCA.

Exposing yourself to as many CCA/committee groups as you can does make your university life a lot more interesting as you get to contribute and plan out event(s). Not only that, you will get to make a lot more friends, especially out of your course/faculty. It never kills to have more friends to be around with!

#3 Hop on the Telegram chats or social media platforms of CCAs that you want to know more about

Open your Telegram application and search for the CCA/Committee group chat, and you'll most likely be able to find it! Join them to get insights about the CCA.

One of the many group chats that you can join to get the latest updates on NUS CCAs, Lifestyle news, or Projects are these: NUS_SG and NUS Happenings. These group chats are where you can pick up the latest information on committee recruitments, volunteering opportunities, survey respondent opportunities and even giveaway competitions.

This applies to social media platforms like Instagram such as @mynussu to get the latest updates on academic materials and any school happenings. Take a look around these social media accounts and follow accounts that will help you with getting through school much easily!

MyNUSSU Instagram Page
The NUS Chat

Last but not the least,

Have lots of fun and explore as much as you can in your university life!



This article was contributed by Jessie Chia, a Year 3 Material Science and Engineering Student, with a Second Major in Innovation and Design Programme.


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