Looking back at my first year in NUS, I have to say that my experience thus far has been a rather fun and eventful one. Going into university, the mixed feeling of uncertainty and excitement is inevitable. I was in the exact same position last year and I completely understand how you might be feeling now.
With the right mindset, your first year in university can be an enjoyable and meaningful one!
Here is my two-cents worth on surviving the first year:
1. Keep an open mind
Keeping ourselves open to different options and being willing to step out of our comfort zones are key in helping us grow as a person.
Initially, I entered FASS with the intention of majoring in either Political Science (PS) or Global Studies (GL). I took both PS and GL exposure modules in the first semester.
However, after taking several exposure modules in the subsequent semester, I was able to discover where my passion truly lay.
While I was interested in both Political Science and Global Studies, I found an even greater passion in Economics and Communications & New Media.
My advice would be to try out the different exposure modules if you are unsure, as there is really no harm in exploring in your first year.
Staying in Eusoff Hall allowed me to embark on many new and unfamiliar experiences. I was very fortunate to be given many opportunities to step out of my comfort zone to take on new challenges.
One of the most interesting experience for me was the weekly sessions at the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled Singapore (MINDS) Centre.
Volunteering with MINDS was certainly a meaningful experience for me as it gave me a chance to not only help those around me, but also improve myself as a person as I developed better communication skills.
2. Don’t be afraid to seek help
Another thing to bear in mind is to not be afraid to ask for help from those around you, be it your seniors or your friends.
The first year in university can be scary, especially with online classes in the coming year.
It is completely normal to feel lost and confused, especially so with ModReg (Module Registration), tutorial bidding and CCAs.
In the first semester, I was very clueless as to how to select the right modules and everything was very foreign to me. I was unsure of the workload and academic rigour of the modules as well as the whole ModReg process.
However, under the guidance of my seniors and friends, I was better able to navigate through this rather complicated process.
Do not be shy to ask those around you for advice because more often than not, your friends and seniors are very willing to help you.
It is important to know that you are not alone and that help is always available.
Personally, I feel that how much you enjoy your university life really depends on your mindset and how much you are willing to explore beyond your comfort zone. Many years down the road, we will hardly remember our grades or our CAP, but what we will remember are the memories forged and the lessons that we take away with us.
Be willing to take on new experiences and make the best out of your time here!
This article was contributed by Kristie Lin, a Year 2 Communications & New Media and Economics student.She's part of the FASS Rag and Flag Marketing and Fundraising Team for AY 20/21.
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