Looking back on the times I’ve spent in hall, it never fails to put a smile on my face. Hall has definitely been the highlight of my first year in National University of Singapore (NUS).
While there are a lot of mixed opinions on hall, I truly believe that hall has made me grow so much as a person. It was the first time in my life that I got to live away from my parents for a prolonged period of time and I deeply enjoyed the newfound independence I never thought I needed.
I guess some of you might be worried or curious on how hall life is like, so here are 3 tips on how to ‘survive’ hall.
1. Manage Your Time
Try to have a schedule of what you want to accomplish by the end of the day. Hall is constantly bustling with activities and it is very easy to be distracted from what you’re trying to do. The constant supper jios, countless CCAs and social gatherings will definitely overwhelm you at the start.
The key is to not be FOMO and end up joining every other gathering because you will definitely not have time for your academics. I learnt this the hard way after seeing my first semester's grades. You will definitely need to be disciplined, and having a checklist of the day is a really good start!
2. Be Open To Trying New Things
Hall is really a place for you to step out of your comfort zone to try new things!
For someone who is not dancer-like at all, I managed to pick up dancing and performed in front of a large audience at the UCC (University Cultural Centre) – something I definitely never expected myself to do in my life.
The best part? No one will ever judge you for what you’re doing! Everyone is too busy trying to balance their studies and commitments well. In fact, the people in hall are really supportive. It’s like a second family. All the ‘welfare fairies’ out there are always looking out for you.
When the going gets tough, we often give each other small snacks or notes just to encourage one another to press on. Knowing that someone will always be there for you within close proximity really makes you feel at home :’)
3. Prioritise Yourself First and Always
Learn how to say no.
It might be hard to do so, especially towards the people you have just met, but you should never feel forced to do anything. Don't worry about what people think of your actions, because true friends will definitely understand where you come from! In hall, you will definitely find friends to have meaningful connections with.
With that said, be open to everyone! You never know who will be the one to help you pack dinner or save you from the rain when you forget to bring your umbrella.
After all these, hall might seem daunting. But as long as you go in with an open mind and fully immerse yourself in the hall life, it will definitely be an amazing experience! While hall this year will be quite different due to the Covid-19 restrictions, I believe that it will still be a great experience 😄️.
In hall, you'll find your second family.
This article was contributed by Lim Xin Yi, a Year 2 Communications & New Media student at National University of Singapore.
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