2020 has been a rollercoaster for a lot of us.
2020 started with humongous bushfires in Australia, World War 3 almost broke out, the world entered a global Pandemic causing an economic recession, many died and many more got sick, countries went into lockdown and businesses got disrupted, causing rampant retrenchment worldwide.
But despite all of that’s happened, there are a few things that we should be grateful for. There’s always a shimmer of hope in times of darkness, so here are a few things that we should be grateful for.
1) Health and Prosperity
Even though we are in a global pandemic, we should always be thankful that we are alive and kicking at this very moment. The pandemic has indeed slowed down the pace of our lives. Most of us are working and studying from home, some countries are still in lockdown while some just got out of lockdown, but still within some form of enforcement of social distancing enforced by their respective governments. Take this slower pace of life to appreciate that we are still able to get on with our daily lives to the best we can. Health is wealth. Remember that.

2) More Family Time
Work and study from home arrangements has majorly disrupted our usual daily routine. Instead of travelling and commuting to the office or school, we are now doing everything from the comforts of our homes. And for a lot of us, it took some getting used to. While it can be inefficient to have children disrupt your Zoom calls, or your mom calling out for help, always remember that in these tough times, blood is always thicker than water and it is our families that will help each other get through times like this. Learn to treasure and enjoy these little moments because we only have 1 life with each other. We will never know when we can get spend this much time together with our families again.

3) Personal Development
This pandemic has forced many of us to really take the time to look at ourselves and really reflect on what we can do to get through this pandemic. Be it, up skilling ourselves, improving our general health and fitness, thinking about a career switch, the slower pace of life has given us this opportunity for us to change for the better.

4) Our frontline workers
There is no denying that sometimes we take our frontline workers for granted. And if anything, this global pandemic has really reminded us how efficient and important our frontline workers are to our society. They work tirelessly night and day to keep our people safe and are always there when we need them. Take some time to reflect on the sacrifices that they have carried out for us in this unprecedented time and let’s continue to give our support to them. Because the world will be in a much worse place without them.
