University life is not easy, but I think one big part of my university life that has become something that I can always look back and think about would be my time that I have spent in Eusoff Hall! Hall may seem like a scary place because of all the adjusting that you would have to do, but with adjusting to university life, it doesn’t hurt to adjust to one more extra thing right?
I have always wanted to stay in a Hall when I moved to university, especially after my experience of staying in boarding school during my secondary days. Communal living was not exactly new to me, but the days of being stuck in a fixed schedule and having to do something every night regardless of whether I liked it or not haunted me partially. Was it going to be the same in the Hall that I was intending to move into? Or was it going to be a completely new experience? It was time to find out as I prepare to move into Eusoff Hall!
My view on Hall life was completely shattered as soon as I moved it and slowly adjusted to everything that was going on in the campus. I could do whatever I wanted (as long as it was legal and I was following hostel rules), and I wasn't tied down to anything apart from my own school schedule. I could sign up for any activities/CCAs that I wanted, and there was certainly a great variety for me to choose from! From sports to performing arts to committees and community service groups, I was spoilt for choice and I ended up finding myself picking at least one CCAs from each of the different aspects. I picked up skills that I did not ever envisioned myself picking up (singing and dancing have NEVER been my forte but I still tried anyways!) and I really enjoyed myself while trying everything I could in Hall!
Introverts joining hall either become much more introverted, or extroverted by the first semester of university. Why? The answer – socializing.
From potentially having your own roommate, to having at least 10 other people living on the same floor as you, then multiplying that by 4 levels per block, and multiplying again by 5 blocks, there is no way that you will not be spending time mingling and getting to know people from different walks of life. By mingling with these people, you even get to learn a bit more about yourself, your likes and dislikes, the type of people that you can “vibe best” with and how to deal with others. When someone comes banging at your door at 11pm, I guarantee you that you will be more than willing to open your door, all ready for a Heart-to-Heart Talk, or a gossip session!
The rumours are true – if you make it true ;)
Freshman-15, the popular belief that a freshman would gain 15 pounds in their first year of university. Freshman-15, the topic that people choose to ignore, especially when your hall is right behind the ever-so-popular Supper Stretch! After a training, a meeting, a practice, or even after revising, the supper stretch is the place to go to hang out with your buddies for some good bonding and get-together. But, a side note from me, don’t worry too much about this because as long as you exercise once or twice a week, you’ll be fine! Trust me, my roommate and I have been through it! 😊
There is really nothing much for me to share about my experience in Eusoff Hall because to be very honest, everyone’s experience varies based on what they have joined, what they have done, and the people that they have surrounded themselves with.
But, I highly encourage everyone who reads this to apply to stay for Hall, even if you intend to only stay for a year. In fact, I did not even think I’d be staying another year here, but I guess I am! Make the experience your own, and enjoy the entire process. I have truly enjoyed my one year (and counting!) of being a resident of Eusoff Hall, and I would not have had my freshman year in NUS in any other way 😊
For more interactive content on how life on the NUS campus is really like, you can check out videos on YouTube (A week in Eusoff | Life in Eusoff) because there are so many students – myself included! – that have shared their experience online for everyone else to witness!
Nadine is a year 2 in NUS studying political science major and global studies + language studies minors, but some say she pursues another major in Eusoff Hall! Spending most of her time in Hall when she doesn’t have classes, she’s certainly one of the best people to go to when seeking advice on what to expect from hall life and how to balance school, part-time jobs, and hall altogether! (just kidding, she barely survives but she still does it anyways because she loves it ;))
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